AI Classifier®

    AgileDev’s AI Classifier® can be taught to learn input/output sequences e.g. this image is dog, this set of features means the client is “high-value”. A typical example would be classifying whether a person is likely to earn > $200,000 based on a feature set e.g. Age, Occupation, Gender, Education Level.

AI Profiler®

    AgileDev’s Profiler® can identify likely suspects/prospects by analyzing patterns in large amounts of data i.e. in the context of a movie site, it can find users who specifically like horror movies and no other types of movies.

AI Recommender®

    AgileDev’s AI Recommender® allows companies to recommend items to users based on the preferences of other like minded users i.e. in the context of a movie site, uses who like horror will be recommended similar movies. In the demo below, we have built a recommender system based on the non-for-profit movielens database. This website allows users to recommend movies to other users and also publishes its meta-data for research purposes.

    To use the recommender, type a few characters of the movie you wish to search for in the search box (top right side below the “Show All Data” button), and the system will present its recommendations e.g. enter Toy_Story, Death_Wish, Casablanca